I just saw a post on Tumblr. The basic premise was that the author likes it when people say "this reminded me of you" and it struck a chord with me. I too, enjoy it when a friend or family member buys me something or shows me something that reminded them of myself.
It can be simple, like when my friend bought me a VHS copy of the film Merlin (for obvious reasons). It may be terrible (I haven't gotten round to watching it) but I was touched by the gesture. Actually, I was thrilled. She had seen something related to Merlin, knew I am utterly in love with the BBC series and the original lore, then bought the video (at her own expense) so we could have a laugh at it. Because it reminded her of me.
It happens with music a lot. The first thing people usually learn about me is that I am a massive Linkin Park fan. Have been since I was thirteen-years-old. I support them in every way possible, I have all their studio albums, plus a few live ones. I am a member of LPU and I go to their gigs whenever they hit my shores. I consider them as a defining feature of myself, which is why when friends tell me that a Linkin Park song reminded them of me, I am ecstatic. When my Mum posted me some Chester Bennington (lead singer of Linkin Park) interviews to me while I was at university, I was touched.
Gifts are better when they represent an aspect of your life, no matter how small.
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