Yes, fellow Merthur-shippers, our favourite Dragonlord and his bossy king return to our screens next week. Next Saturday. One Saturday (and an emotionally charged episode of Doctor Who) stands between us and a set of thirteen new episodes of Merlin.
I am so excited that words aren't sufficient enough to describe or capture said excitement. I am mute from excitement. I am actually typing this post out with my head. Not really, but I do seriously squeal whenever the trailer comes onto TV. That said, I squeal whenever I go onto the Merlin tag on Tumblr, squeak whenever I see Colin Morgan's face, weep insistently whenever I see Bradley and Colin together, and ship Merthur so hard that I swear my heart is in danger of exploding into a million tiny shards.
Yes, I am an obsessive fan.
I don't do things in halves. I either commit wholly or not at all. I submerge myself into all forms of fiction completely, even if that means taking an emotional battering when my favourites get hurt or die or some other crazy thing happens to them. I choose my television shows, books, films, bands and video games really carefully. Then I become obsessed and committed to these characters 510%.
Yeah, yeah. That doesn't make sense, but then being a fan doesn't either.
Merlin has been in my life a relatively short time, but you wouldn't think it when you hear me talk about it. I've been a fan for less than a year. I know, right? Yet I shipped Merthur almost from the start, fell in love with the cast and characters, loved the look and the stories, and started watching it weekly in diehard fan-mode. For those not in the know, this means watching a show AS IT AIRS not later on catch-up or on Sky+ or the equivalent BECAUSE THAT'S NOT GOOD ENOUGH. I need to know what happened as soon as it is humanly possible to know what happened, which means watching the episode as it airs, then repeatedly watching it, talking about it and blogging about it.
Not in such a crazy manner, mind. I am a controlled obsessive fan who specifically directs my adoration and emotions in a specific place.
When I like a show, I really like a show.
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