I made a new The Sims 3 music video. Hurrah.
When I say new, I mean the plot is one I created on the spot, as opposed to re-doing one of my more terrible and all-over-the-place The Sims 2 music videos. I've been doing that a lot lately, messing around with The Sims 3 features and expansion packs. Generations came with movie maker cheats, which just makes a girl super happy. One of the greatest things about The Sims 2 was the magic movie maker box you could make appear. Your Sims would then literally do anything for you, even die comically.
The Sims 3 initially disappointed me with its lack of magical, mystical yellow boxes. Even the movie maker bump-up Generations came with can't really compare to the system The Sims 2 had. You can't make your Sims die for you (which is really disappointing when you make depressing movies like I do) and the facial expressions and actions are harder to figure out. However, movie making in an open neighbourhood is pretty darn awesome.
So, as a final note, I present to you The Sims 3 music video of Time-Bomb (by All Time Low) as dreamed up by me. Please excuse the casual director-ness of the whole thing.
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